Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Foster Counseling & Therapy? Foster Counseling & Therapy is founded on values most important to the practice including genuineness, empathy, integrity, understanding, knowledge and acceptance. In a continual effort to remain congruent, these values are considered in every aspect of the practice with hopes that you can have an experience that feels authentic, safe, enlightening, encouraging and supportive.

How do I start? Sessions are by appointment only and can be scheduled by calling, emailing or using the “make an appointment” button to share your contact information and receive a call, email or text in response. At the time of scheduling, general information will be asked including the nature of your desire for services, your availability and your insurance information if you plan to use it. As a courtesy, your insurance benefits will be verified and the quote provided by your insurance company to the provider will be relayed to you.

Do you provide telehealth? Yes! Telehealth is provided and the steps to utilize this can be discussed upon scheduling. Telehealth will be conducted through our secure portal and further instruction for use will be provided upon scheduling.

What does it cost? Initial intake appointments are $185. Sessions thereafter are $160. We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO of IL.

What insurance do you accept? Foster Counseling & Therapy accepts many out-of-network insurance policies and is in-network with most policies from Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL PPO. Curious what your benefit coverage is before wanting to schedule? Just call or email and your benefit details can be verified as a courtesy to you.

How often/long will I need services? This can vary from person to person, but in most cases we will schedule weekly sessions to begin with (usually a specific time each week can be reserved for you) until we determine the appropriateness of reducing the frequency and/or terminating. The duration of treatment is something that is determined collaboratively between clinician and client to best care for the individual’s situation and needs.

Is my information kept private? Absolutely. Confidentiality is very important and any services rendered at Foster Counseling & Therapy are considered your PHI or Private Health Information protected under HIPAA. Please note, however, that when using your insurance, some information is required by your carrier to provide reimbursement for your services. Additionally, mandated reporting is required in some situations if the safety of self or others is involved. To learn more about these exceptions to confidentiality, read here. More information is also available in our Privacy Policies which is provided upon scheduling.

What is your cancellation policy? We require 24 hours notice for cancellations to prevent a late cancellation fee. You may cancel by calling, texting or leaving a voice mail at 779-800-5024, or emailing